Dr. Fay Ellwood Honored for Faculty Excellence

Posted: May 7, 2021

HOPE INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY | During HIU’s annual  Honors Convocation Awards Chapel (online), Dr. Fay Ellwood, Associate Professor of English, was honored with the Rose B. and Edgar B. McReynolds Faculty Excellence Award for the 2020-2021 academic year. The award is presented at the end of each academic year to one HIU faculty member that embodies teaching and learning excellence, as identified by the HIU community.

Students who nominated Dr. Ellwood described her as “immensely intelligent, genuinely interested, and kind to all of her students.” One student noted, “She helps students understand and learn in creative ways.” Another student shared “She is gracious, caring, and her class was the highlight of my freshman year!”

Dr. Steve Edgington, Vice President for Academic Affairs, surprised Dr. Ellwood with the award while recording her introduction of a student award (see video below). Dr. Ellwood almost broke into tears upon realization of the recognition. She then shared, “This is such an honor, because this is my dream job. Being able to work with colleagues who are supportive, smart, and loving, as well as students who care about their work with integrity.”

For the complete list of Honors recipients, see http://7bif.jyycl.com/alumni/annual-awards.php
